通过调查得知,Force9.net和Talk Talk是发送垃圾邮件最多的两大ISP,其垃圾邮件平均发送率达到了惊人的95%。
ClearMyMail的负责人Dan Field表示:“面对这些令人担心的数据,看着这位于前十位发送垃圾邮件的ISP,我承认我很震惊,原因是当谈到如何阻止垃圾邮件时,他们竟然没有采取丝毫的行动。更让人震惊的是英国的垃圾邮件依然大部分来源于这些地方。
Almost half of spam comes from the States
Almost half of the spam emails received by small businesses in the UK comes from the US, according to new research.
Anti-spam organization ClearMyMail revealed that 48.9 per cent of UK targeted rogue emails came from the States.
The second highest amount came from UK sources, but at 13.09 per cent, was far behind the total produced by the US.
China was third in the list, making up 6.56 per cent of the total, followed by Germany, France and the Korean Republic.
The figures were released as part of a study to reveal the top ten spam targeted Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
Force9.net and Talk Talk were unveiled at the most spammed ISPs, both with an incredible 95 per cent average spam rate.
Dan Field, managing director of ClearMyMail, said: "These are some worrying statistics and I admit I was shocked when I saw some of the names in the top ten ISPs who seem to take little or no action when it comes to preventing spam and even more shocked to see that the UK is still the second biggest source of spam emails received here."
He added that ISPs, anti-spam and anti-virus providers needed to work together to eliminate the problem.
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