原帖由 eachcool 于 2009-4-29 21:38 发表
非常不幸,我的ip也进入mail-abuse 的黑名单了,换ip和换域名是绝对不可行的,今天我也发了邮件给mail-abuse,回信都是一样的,要么使用isp的邮件中继服务器,要么需要isp出面解决,大家有什么经验分享下。
另外请教 ...
MAPS' Definition of "spam"
An electronic message is "spam" IF: (1) the recipient's personal identity and context are irrelevant because the message is equally applicable to many other potential recipients; AND (2) the recipient has not verifiably granted deliberate, explicit, and still-revocable permission for it to be sent; AND (3) the transmission and reception of the message appears to the recipient to give a disproportionate benefit to the sender. |