服务器是exchange 2000 server +win2000 server sp4<br>
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.<br>
<br>Subject: test mail ,please ignore<br>Sent: 2005-11-3 12:21<br>
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:<br>
<br>angle@nfsbchina.com on 2005-11-3 12:21<br>There was a SMTP communication problem with the recipient's email server. Please contact your system administrator.<br><myserver.mydomain.com #5.5.0 smtp;553 Requested action not taken: address blocked><br>
其中myserver.mydomain.com 是我的服务器名,angle@nfsbchina.com是我要发的地址。 请问这是由我主还是由对方造成的,是什么原因? 我学得是对方block了我的邮件服务器,但对方的it说没有,并说他们的信箱angle@nfsbchina.com收发正常!!<br>
help me, please !<br>