After more than a year of evaluating numerous security solutions, Sophos was selected as the best choice for the district based on breadth of coverage; speed of detection; better computer performance; the size, speed and frequency of updates; a simplified console; superior detection technology; and the quality of Sophos's technical support.
"Throughout the evaluation, Sophos was enormously attentive to our needs and requirements," said Thomas Sims, director, network services, Office of Information Technology at Miami-Dade County Public Schools. "In the end, we decided to invest in Sophos based on its exceptional level of service and expertise; simplified management capabilities; and proactive, multi-tier protection across our entire district."
"We are pleased to have been selected by one of the most widely recognized school districts in the
Sophos Endpoint Security eliminates known and unknown threats, providing scalable, proactive protection across laptops, desktops and servers. Simplified, centralized management provides comprehensive control, while proactive detection technologies, small rapid updates, and round-the-clock support combine to reduce the cost and complexity of securing business networks.
Sophos PureMessage provides integrated gateway and messaging protection from spam, viruses and spyware. It scans all inbound, outbound and internal email messages and includes threat reduction technology to protect against new or unknown email-borne threats.
Miami-Dade郡的公立学校开始从使用McAfee杀毒软件转换成使用Sophos提供的杀毒软件。作为世界著名的网络安全公司,Sophos近日宣布:Miami-Dade郡的公立学校在未来的四年将开始选择使用Sophos推出的杀毒软件来维护其大约90,000台式电脑以及50,000左右的电子邮件帐号的安全,以免被垃圾邮件、病毒、蠕虫、间谍软件等网络恶意行为的攻击。同时该地区还利用Sophos Professional Services以保证从McAfee到Sophos的转换能顺利成长的实现。
据该区域公立学校信息技术方面的负责人Thomas Sims表示:通过综合评估,Sophos推出的杀毒软件能更好的满足我们的需要和需求。
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