2月16日微软将会公布Office 12一些资料,诸如新产品的名称Logo等等.
On February 16, Microsoft will be disclosing the Office "12" SKU line-up, product branding, and some directional pricing information to the press.
The February 16 date is a press-focused event wherein the company will issue a press release and hold calls with members of the press. It is not directly a customer-facing activity on this particular date. The following types of information are to be disclosed:
New product names and enhanced Office logo and branding.
Office client SKU line-up and the individual products that are included in each edition.
Office server SKU line-up and the licensing/CAL information for each product, except RTC and Exchange.
Some directional pricing information.
This is the first time Microsoft will openly reveal information so early on in a product release cycle. The company aims to ensure that customers are aware of certain features, product branding and pricing in order to early adopt the product.
新产品名称和增强的Office Logo、标记.
Office客户端 SKU调整及每个版本所包含的组件.
Office服务器端 SKU调整及licensing/CAL信息,除RTC 和Exchange之外.
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