如满足以上要求,发到 sina 还是被退回相同的信件,请和 sina 联系。联系方式如下:
邮箱地址:antispam@staff.sina.com.cn 或 lanjiang@staff.sina.com.cn
联系电话:010-82624488 转 5602
也可以申请个 sina 的邮箱,邮件系统中递送失败后启用中继递送,中继服务器: smtp.sina.com.cn, 再输入您在 sina 注册的用户名和密码。
与网易服务器 连接的 IP 必须在 HELO 后面跟的域名的 A纪录和MX纪录里面。否则认为该服务器是垃圾发送者而拒收。
5. 收到退信错误提示为"554 5.7.1 Rejected xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx found in dnsbl.sorbs.net",怎么办?
7.发给Yahoo的邮件出现"553 Mail from not allowed - VS99-IP1 deferred - see help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/defer/defer-02.html "的退信及处理办法
(P.S:此点内容转自winwebmail 版主rayer 贴,地址:../Announce/Announce.asp?BoardID=39&ID=102334&p=6&Upflag=1&q=1&r=30323)
553 Mail from not allowed - VS99-IP1 deferred - see help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/defer/defer-02.html
see help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/defer/defer-02.html (针对退信为 553 not allowed - VS99-IP1 deferred的错误)
1、Open proxies and open relays
If an IP address is determined to be an open relay or open proxy, Yahoo! reserves the right to reject all SMTP traffic from that IP address for a minimum period of 60 days.
YAHOO方面一般认为邮件来源IP启用了open relay or open proxy,将会禁止所有来自于此IP的 SMTP数据流,最少60天
You should check (and secure) your server for open relays (such as http://www.abuse.net/relay.html) and open proxies (such as http://www.unicom.com/sw/pxytest/ -- these may require installing software on servers outside your network for proper testing). After you are reasonably sure your network is secure, please submit your IP addresses to Yahoo! for retesting
关键的一步了:如果是你已经比较确认你的邮件系统没有开放REPLY以及PROXY的话(当然你的域名设置,邮件MX设置,HELO方面设置需要正确,并没有进入有关的黑名单的情况下)please submit your IP addresses to Yahoo! for retesting
4. Indicate the error message(s) you have received. (提交你所收到的错误信息)
553 Mail from not allowed - VS99-IP1 deferred - see help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/defer/defer-02.html
5. Optionally, add a comment to your submission.
6. Send the form to us:
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