Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Pocket Consultant
Book DescriptionPortable and precise, this pocket-sized guide delivers ready answers for managing databases and services in Exchange Server 2013. Zero in on core tasks through quick-reference tables, instructions, and lists. You’ll get the focused information you need to save time and get the job done-whether at your desk or in the field.
Coverage includes:
Managing databases and availability groups
Core database administration
Compliance and role-based access controls
Managing mail flow
Working with client access servers
Managing mobile users
Maintenance, monitoring, and queuing
Backups and restorations
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Microsoft Exchange organizations: the essentials
Chapter 2. Managing data and availability groups
Chapter 3. Exchange database administration
Chapter 4. Configuring transport services
Chapter 5. Managing and maintaining mail flow
Chapter 6. Managing client access
Chapter 7. Managing mobile messaging
Chapter 8. Exchange Server 2013 maintenance, monitoring, and queuing
Chapter 9. Troubleshooting Exchange Server 2013
Book Details
Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Microsoft Press (October 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0735681759
ISBN-13: 978-0735681750
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