今天测试了一下 7.3.2 ,增加了一个帐号密码猜测保护,建议需要的升级
在高级--安全策略:里面密码猜测保护,增加了一项。原来针对pop3 imap4等密码探测是没有保护的,现在看帮助应该是可以自动阻止相应协议上的探测行为了。鉴于现在有大量的密码探测行为,中过招的朋友可以考虑升级计划。
Block IP addresses suspicious of password guessing attacks
If you find out that anyone attempts to guess password to any account (presumption based on several unsuccessful authentication attempts), you can enable this option to block their IP address.
Each blocking action applies to a particular service only. This implies that if for example a POP3 attack is detected, the user still can login via Webmail.
IP address is blocked when the count of ten unsuccessful login attempts is reached within one minute. After five minutes without an attack attempt, the service is unblocked automatically for the IP address.
Never block this IP address group
It is possible to set trustworthy IP address groups (e.g. local addresses) and leave them out of the blocking rule.
Block user accounts probably targeted by password guessing
The option described above blocks only the affected IP address for a particular service. However, the same account may be attacked by using another service.
You can use this option to block the user account if attacked.
The account is blocked when the count of ten unsuccessful login attempts is reached within one minute. The account gets unblocked automatically after five minutes without an attack attempt or this can be done manually by clicking on Unlock All Accounts Now. 我的邮件经常有这种攻击。不过升级邮件服务器太麻烦了。我还在用的老版本。 一般我手动用防火墙封了拉倒。 TDK的帖要顶一下的,很久没来,Kerio版块人气不错啊 dennishan 发表于 2012-3-28 21:13 static/image/common/back.gif
老大 你得常来啊,我有好多问题想找你请教呢 问题是现在都到7.4了 找不到之前的版本了 TDK 大神神一般的存在 请TDK版主回复我一下 我是7.0.2 patch build1676怎么升到7.3.2?升级后原来破解过的还能不能用?