分享个 ukaip_2.61
-Fixed: Updated to new OpenPtch - Resolved critical bug in OPWritePtrn(ABI_2) function.
This resulted in broken patching and possible data corruption then data written via the affected function.
Almost everything was affected. IceWarp patching became completely broken.
-Licgen(COSMETIC ONLY): Customer phone number is no longer mentioned as optional. It still can be empty but better to input it.
-Licgen: New fields regarding license support plan has been added. They should not affect program behaviour(More cosmetic than practical).
2.6 FiNAL
GCC 4.6/4.6.1-SVN + gLibC 2.10(For compatability with older Linux versions)
-New: Updated to OpenPtch 2 and uses new fast ABI_2 for patterns and searches.
New ABI can bring x5-x10 performance gain on large files and patterns
and up-to 15% performance decrease on very small and simple patterns and files.
-Support: Added support for Kerio Connect v7.2 Beta 5 and Beta 6 for Windows and Linux.
-Support: Added support for Sophos from Kerio Connect v7.2 Beta 5 and above(Windows and Linux).
-New: Added new patch which is activated by new -H/--use-standard-http-proto-for-update-script-pulling
option. Sophos modules patched with this option will acquire update.php file via HTTP protocol
instead of HTTPS.
-Support: Fixed version/type autodetect for new IceWarp UCS 10.3 Beta 20110307 for Linux(Debian Lenny,Debian Squeeze,
RHEL 5.X, RHEL 6.X and Ubuntu Karmic Coala).
-Fixed: Resolved possible buffer overflow then receiving "User country" input during license generation.
-Fixed: Licenses now include additional required field which must be present for Log Analyzer license check to succeed.
-Support: Added support for new Kerio Operator product.
-Docs: Added new KER_OPERATOR_RU.txt HOWTO.
**** Hidden Message *****
[ 本帖最后由 3yu3 于 2011-7-2 08:58 编辑 ] 这个东西不错,一直等待中。。。:) 顶,这个可是神器
我也从网上下载了一个,但是不好使,希望这个好用 3yu3测试过了这个可否升级病库 原帖由 quanglong 于 2011-7-7 09:54 发表 http://www.5dmail.net/bbs/images/common/back.gif3yu3测试过了这个可否升级病库
Q大也来这里:handshake 。正打算抽空测试一下,再整理一份教程呢。:lol