今天刚装的KMS6.7.2 但是收不到内部发的邮件是不是stmp和pop3没有设置好
请高手说下 怎么设置stmp和pop3
越详细越好. :L安装上默认就应该没问题
收不到看看日志和退信呢 有点想不通..... 呵呵 强
也许服务没起来? 有冲突? 退信是这个....
This is an informative message sent by mail.bahbhw.oicp.net.
The server was not able to deliver your mail message
Subject: 1111
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 07:55:36 +0000
to the following addresses:
<111@bahbhw.oicp.net> (mail.bahbhw.oicp.net: Antivirus check cannot be performed)
This is just a temporary error. The server will continue to attempt to deliver
the message. If the message cannot be delivered in the defined time limit you will
be informed again. to the following addresses:
<111@bahbhw.oicp.net> (mail.bahbhw.oicp.net: Antivirus check cannot be performed)