WIN 2008 SP2EX2007 SP1,邮箱还没有几个,但8G内存快用100%。这正常吗?[ 本帖最后由 sanjin 于 2009-11-23 15:13 编辑 ] 邮箱没几个?
你看看都是谁占用的内存? 除了存储外还有谁
是个全角色机器吗? 都是store占去了。系统是有40天没重启了,但EX服务器就是都不重启的。。。
[ 本帖最后由 sanjin 于 2009-10-14 14:41 编辑 ] 微软的东西就是吃内存,晕了 太大了吧.......... 找了一个这个 不知道有没有用
No. Q20000123
更新日期: 2001/01/23
平台:Intel Windows NT 4.0 Server
这个信息应用于解决store.exe的cpu利用率一直高于95% 。
1、 检查任务管理器、事件查看器、服务管理器,store.exe的cpu占用率一直高于95%,无有用的事件记录,各服务器启动正常;
2、 检查NT版本为SP3、Exchange版本为SP3,决定更新软件版本;
3、 检查并备份设置,备份邮件数据库,Proxy Winsock代理文件,用Rdisk建立紧急修复盘;
4、 安装NT SP6、Exchange SP3,状况没有改善;
5、 按部启动Exchange服务,发现IMC启动后,store.exe的cpu占用率一直高于95%;
6、 检查EXCHSRVR\imcdata\in目录,发现有文件存在,IMC接受到的外来邮件判定后,转给IS的Store.exe进程放入目的邮箱,如果Store.exe不能正确处理邮件,将会出现长期高的cpu占用率,决定删除;
7、 停止Exchange的各项服务,将EXCHSRVR\imcdata\in目录下的文件删除,重新启动服务。
Microsoft Exchange 5.5 的IMC接受到的外来邮件判定后,转给IS的Store.exe进程放入目的邮箱,如果Store.exe不能正确处理邮件,将会出现长期高的cpu占用率。
1. Stop the information store and restart it. Does this resolve the problem? How long does it take to stop?
2. If possible, try rebooting the server. Does this help? If it does help, it is likely that the information store is fine, and an "outside" entity caused the store to hang; this could be a corrupted message, a connector, or an application.
3. Are the MTA queues backing up? Are the messages incoming or outgoing? If so, try deleting the oldest message, to see if this resolves the problem.
4. Try stopping the MTA and any other connectors. If the CPU utilization drops, then it may be one of the stopped services that is actually the cause of the problem.
5. Check to see if there is a looping message that may be causing this problem. Message tracking can help with this.
a. Also check if the Priv.edb or Pub.edb are rapidly growing.
b. Check the Mailbox Resources and Public Folder Resources in the Exchange Server Administrator Program to see if there are any mailbox or public folders growing Rapidly.
6. Are users able to send and receive mail? Are the clients responsive or slow? This information will indicate if the information store is hung or just busy.
7. Check if this is a problem with the information store files. To do this, stop the information store, rename all MDBDATA directories, create new MDBDATA directories, and start the information store. Does the problem occur again? If it does occur again, the problem is not with the information store database files. If it does not occur again, restore the original database files and run ISINTEG -patch.
8. Are there any third-party Exchange Server applications running against the private or public information store on this server? Check the current logons in the properties of the private information store and public information store, to determine if there are any such program running against this information Store. Third-party products can cause high CPU utilization as well as high memory usage by the Store.exe. If there are any third-party programs running against this information store, try stopping them.
9. Are there any third-party virus checking programs running on this server? If so, try stopping them. What's the size of the Priv.edb and Pub.edb files? Do you have sufficient free disk space on all drives? It may be beneficial to schedule an Off-line Defrag of the two .edb files.
10. If none of the above steps fixes the problem, back up the existing databases files. Then run ISINTEG -fix -pri and ISINTEG -fix -pub. store 存储如果数据量较大,那么一般是有多少内存就会吃多少内存
一般不会有什么问题 谢谢六楼兄弟,你找到的可能太旧的信息。