发往 hanmail的邮件被delay
在edge服务器上的摘要如下:Identity: ED1\3253\6087
Subject: test email
Internet Message ID: <D71860A47E07A641AA7B3B4423A0E13407CCCDBD88@C\MB1.cds.com>
From Address: xxxxxxx@cds.com
Status: Ready
Size (KB): 3
Message Source Name: SMTP:Default internal receive connector ED1
Source IP:
SCL: -1
Date Received: 6/15/2009 10:13:34 AM
Expiration Time: 6/17/2009 10:13:34 AM
Last Error: 400 4.4.7 Message delayed
Queue ID: FED1\3253
Delivery is delayed to these recipients or distribution lists:xxxxxxxx@hanmail.net
Subject: test email
This message has not yet been delivered. Microsoft Exchange will continue to try delivering the message on your behalf.
Delivery of this message will be attempted until 6/17/2009 10:13:34 AM (GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi. Microsoft Exchange will notify you if the message can't be delivered by that time.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我们公司发到hanmail的也有问题,我猜要么是国家与国家间的出口处有限制,要么就是对方的邮件策略限制了 我们公司发到hanmail也出现问题,被拒绝,但是没有明确指出是哪一个垃圾邮件列表造成,而且对方网站是一个韩文的,看不懂,无法与其联系解决。
[ 本帖最后由 maguoji 于 2009-6-26 11:12 编辑 ] 建议你用转发解决,和人家联系没用,是韩国的免费邮件提供商
请教nei lu 如何转发解决
请教nei lu 如何转发解决?谢谢. 如果真是三楼说的国家做的限制,可以使用ISP的转发解决,有的ISP的转发是通过VPN做的,可以绕过国家长城防火墙的!