This is an informative message sent by eaglekin-eb3ff8.
The server was not able to deliver your email message to the following addresses:
<soile@msn.cn> (70731977.pamx1.hotmail.com: 550 DY-001 Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons. We generally do not accept email from dynamic IP's as they are not typically used to deliver unauthenticated SMTP e-mail to an Internet mail server. http://www.spamhaus.org maintains lists of dynamic and residential IP addresses. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your E-mail/Internet Service Provider for help. Email/network admins, please visit http://postmaster.live.com for email delivery information and support)
<songshihong2000@sina.com> (freemx2.sinamail.sina.com.cn: 550 #5.7.1 Your access to submit messages to this e-mail system has been rejected.)
<songshihong2000@yahoo.com.cn> (mta-v1.mail.vip.cnb.yahoo.com: 553 Mail from 222.240.208.* not allowed - )
Reporting-MTA: dns; eaglekin-eb3ff8
Arrival-Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2008 09:42:01 +0800
Final-Recipient: rfc822;soile@msn.cn
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.8
Remote-MTA: 70731977.pamx1.hotmail.com
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 550 DY-001 Mail rejected by Windows Live Hotmail for policy reasons. We generally do not accept email from dynamic IP's as they are not typically used to deliver unauthenticated SMTP e-mail to an Internet mail server. http://www.spamhaus.org maintains lists of dynamic and residential IP addresses. If you are not an email/network admin please contact your E-mail/Internet Service Provider for help. Email/network admins, please visit http://postmaster.live.com for email delivery information and support
Final-Recipient: rfc822;songshihong2000@sina.com
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Remote-MTA: freemx2.sinamail.sina.com.cn
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 550 #5.7.1 Your access to submit messages to this e-mail system has been rejected.
Final-Recipient: rfc822;songshihong2000@yahoo.com.cn
Action: failed
Status: 5.4.0
Remote-MTA: mta-v1.mail.vip.cnb.yahoo.com
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 553 Mail from 222.240.208.* not allowed -
Received: from WWW-2DF21EBE6B4 ()
(authenticated user 13560730007@1872.net)
by eaglekin-eb3ff8 (Kerio MailServer 6.1.2);
Fri, 8 Aug 2008 09:41:58 +0800
Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2008 09:39:26 +0800
From: "13560730007" <13560730007@1872.net>
To: "=?GB2312?B?uci46EdtYWls?=" <songshihong@gmail.com>,
"=?GB2312?B?zfjS1zE2Mw==?=" <songshihong@163.com>,
"=?GB2312?B?zfjS1zEyNg==?=" <songshihong@126.com>,
"soile" <soile@msn.cn>,
"songshihong2000" <songshihong2000@sina.com>
Cc: "=?GB2312?B?zNrRuFFR?=" <hngolf@qq.com>,
"songshihong2000" <songshihong2000@yahoo.com.cn>,
"=?GB2312?B?zNrRuEZveG1haWw=?=" <songshihong@foxmail.com>
Subject: =?gb2312?B?xvPStdPKvtbO3reous3QwsDLw+K30dPKz+TNqNDF?=
Message-ID: <200808080939231714815@1872.net>
X-mailer: Foxmail 6, 10, 201, 20
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
boundary="=====003_Dragon417182033267_=====" 先说说你的情况。
动态ip? 电信的光纤,邮件服务器从防火墙出去,邮件服务器和防火墙都是电信的静态IP。 你的ip至少在http://www.spamhaus.org这个黑名单中
去申诉吧 谢谢,是的,公安通知了电信说是发了垃圾邮件。
要求smtp服务器身份认证,但是我在kerio mail里已经打上勾了,用FOXMAIL发邮件,账号里smtp服务器需要身份认证不打勾也可以发出去,郁闷啊,哪位大侠能够指导指导,版主MM????? smtp server里面怎么设置的
check box只需要选择一个,那就是第二项
第二种,利用邮件中继和邮件代收服务,不让kerio保留在internet之上,这样解决很多问题。详细请加入群! 呵呵 楼主把remove过程写出来吧。。。^_^ 关注啊。。。